Microblading Aftercare: A Comprehensive Guide to Flawless Brows

Microbladed eyebrows

Microblading has transformed the beauty and aesthetics industry, offering individuals a semi-permanent makeup option that results in natural-looking, flawless eyebrows. This time-saving service is ideal for anyone wanting to reconstruct lost hair, improve fullness, and enhance the overall appearance of the brow. The procedure involves a skillful application of fine, hairlike strokes that mimic the appearance of natural brow hair.


Why Microblading Aftercare is Essential
Proper aftercare following a microblading appointment is essential to achieve flawless, perfect brows and is one of the most important parts of the entire procedure. Aftercare directly affects the healing, pigment, and overall appearance of the brows. Proper aftercare not only ensures long-lasting results but also minimizes the risk of infections and premature fading.


Day of Procedure
The first 24 hours after your microblading appointment, the eyebrow area will be extremely sensitive. The area may be red, swollen, and irritated immediately following the procedure, which is completely normal. A clear fluid, also known as lymph fluid, forms on the eyebrows the first couple of hours after your appointment. Lymph fluid acts as a wound protector by cleaning the wound, combating infection, and overseeing the repair process. The brow area should be gently blotted with a clean tissue or cotton round to absorb any excess fluid. Blotting the area every 30 minutes will help prevent scabbing and buildup from forming.


DAY 2-10: The Healing Process
The first several days following your appointment, the eyebrows will appear dark and bold as the skin begins to heal itself and form an outer layer of pigment. Eyebrows fade anywhere from 10% to 50% within 5 to 30 days of the first procedure, so don’t be frightened if your brows are dark the first several days.

During the first ten days of the healing process, it’s essential to keep your eyebrow area clean. Gently wash the area with an unscented, antibacterial soap in circular motions for ten seconds, twice a day. Make sure to use a soap with no active ingredients such as acids, retinol, glycolic, AHA, or Retin-A. Dial and Cetaphil cleansers are great options to use during the healing process.  Rinse the soap with lukewarm water and gently pat eyebrows dry with a soft and clean towel. Once the brows have completely dried, apply a pea-sized amount of ointment, such as Aquaphor or CeraVe. Make sure you don’t overapply the ointment, as this will not allow the skin to breathe, and the healing process will be delayed.

Natural exfoliation will begin around day four, as excess pigment flakes away, starting at the outside edges. New skin will continue to heal over the treated area for the next ten days. Skin around the eyebrow area will become itchy during the peeling process, do not pick or scratch the treated area. This will cause scarring and pigment loss, so allow any scabbing or dry skin to naturally exfoliate off.

Eyebrow Healing Process

It is best to avoid any sun exposure, pool, sauna, steam rooms, steamy showers, hot baths, facial services, and brow hair removal the first two weeks after the appointment. Avoid applying skincare products and makeup around the area. Keep bangs and other hair pulled away from your face. If you need to be out in the sun, make sure to grab a hat. After ten days following the appointment, you can begin to apply sunscreen to the eyebrow area.


Long-Term Aftercare
Consistently following proper long-term aftercare will contribute to lasting results of microbladed eyebrows. Keep the area moisturized following the healing process by applying a gentle and fragrance-free moisturizer. This will prevent any unnecessary dryness and premature fading of the eyebrows. Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher will also help the lifespan of your microbladed brows. Avoid any harsh skin treatments, such as laser treatments and chemical peels, as these can affect and ruin your brow appearance. Lastly, schedule touch-up sessions when needed to maintain your desired look. How soon you need to schedule touch-up appointments all depends on individual lifestyles and preferences.


Microblading offers a wide variety of benefits for individuals looking to enhance their eyebrows or simplify their beauty routine. If you’ve been curious about microblading, give us a call to schedule a complimentary consultation. Contact The Aesthetic Center by Medical Associates today at 563-584-3444!

