Treat Your Skin Right this Halloween

Are you ready for the spooky season? With Halloween just around the corner, you might just be putting together a last-minute costume or adding the finishing touches to an idea you’ve been planning. If your costume involves makeup, don’t let the spirit of Halloween get in the way of your skin’s wellbeing. Here are a few tricks to treat your skin right this holiday:


Prep Your Skin

Start with a clean canvas, by first cleansing, moisturizing and priming. Cleanse your skin so your pores are free of debris under your makeup. Moisturizer creates a barrier between your skin and makeup, helping to prevent dryness or irritation. Lastly, using a makeup primer is also a good idea, to create a smooth base for your Halloween makeup. The Aesthetic Center carries the ZO® Skin Health product line which is a great option for a skincare routine. In particular, the Illuminating AOX Serum delivers all-day protection while enhancing skin glow.


Apply with Care

Consider the use of heavy makeup and special effects products this holiday. If these are necessary for your Halloween look, invest in high-quality products. Additionally, always test new makeup and special effects products to ensure you won’t have any reactions.


Remove Makeup with Care

At the end of the night, make sure to thoroughly remove all makeup. Gently use a makeup-removing solution, such as micellar water, on the face and eyes.


Cleanse Gently

After removing as much makeup as possible, we recommend a double cleanse with a facial oil and then a mile cleanser. This will ensure that your pores are removed from makeup and debris without stripping your skin of natural oils. ZO® Skin Health’s Gentle Cleanse is a great option for all skin types.


Hydrate Skin

After removing all makeup, apply a moisturizer to rehydrate your skin. Consider a soothing mask or sheet mask to calm any potential irritation. Additionally, drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside. Use a hydrating mask, such as our Hyaluronic Quench Mask, at night for some extra hydration while you sleep. This mask, in particular, is part of The Aesthetic Center’s in-house, collection of clinical-grade skincare products.


Remember, while Halloween makeup is fun, it’s essential to prioritize skin’s well-being. Using high-quality products, taking care when applying and removing makeup, and following a proper skincare routine can help keep your skin looking its best, even after the spookiest of Halloween nights. If you have questions about your skincare routine or any of the products mentioned above, please stop by The Aesthetic Center (1605 Associates Drive, Suite 102E, Dubuque, IA) to learn more. Happy Halloween!

