Laser Treatments

Q&A with Emily May
laser treatment

Emily May, ARNP, DNP
The Aesthetic Center by Medical Associates

Emily is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner certified in administering injectables and laser treatments to treat various skin concerns.

UV rays from the sun, environmental pollution, and the natural aging process can take a toll on your skin. Age spots, sun damage, redness, and wrinkles contribute to making you appear older than you are. There are two top laser rejuvenation technologies to treat hyperpigmentation and achieve smoother, healthier skin – BroadBrand Light (BBL®) and Halo® by Sciton. Both are safe and effective treatment options, but each laser has its own advantages.


Q: What is BroadBrand Light?

A: BroadBand Light is an effective treatment that uses multiple wavelengths of intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat a range of skin concerns with one comprehensive device. The BBL targets pigment to treat brown spots, broken capillaries, rosacea, and redness. During the treatment, darker pigments are heated, absorbed, then broken down – triggering your body’s wound-healing response. This non-ablative laser treatment has little to no downtime with little discomfort.


Q: What is Halo by Sciton?

A: Halo by Sciton uses a proprietary laser-based treatment to reverse the signs of aging. The hybrid laser uses controlled heat to remove the damaged outer layers of the skin, making way for healthier skin cells underneath. Using both ablative and non-ablative lasers, Halo gives patients a deep dermal rejuvenation, resulting in a more youthful appearance. You can return to daily activities the day after treatment, though longer recovery may be needed. Downtime is dependent upon the severity of your condition and depths of the treatment performed.


Q: What do the technologies have in common?

A: The most common conditions BBL and Halo treat are:

  • Sun damage
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Texture problems: fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores
  • Age spots
  • Acne scars

While BBL treatments target more superficial issues, Halo laser treatments can target deeper layers on the face, neck, and chest to improve overall skin texture. Your individual needs, including the severity of your condition, will determine which treatment is better suited for you.

Both treatments provide long-lasting results. However, with proper skin protection and maintenance, the results of the Halo treatment can last for several years due to increased collagen and elastin production. Both treatments also help to reverse the aging process. As your skin cells produce more collagen and elastin, your skin essentially returns to a genetically youthful state. This leads to long-lasting anti-aging results!


Q: How do the technologies differ?

A: Number of sessions needed. For many patients, improvements in skin tone are visible after their first BBL treatment, though optimal results are typically achieved after three to five sessions. Maintenance sessions are recommended at least twice a year.

Halo treatments are completely customizable to your lifestyle and desired outcome. Patients who wish to experience little to no downtime may choose to have several light treatments spread out over months. Alternatively, patients who wish to see their desired outcome sooner can opt for a more aggressive single treatment, which requires more time for recovery.


While these treatments are safe to undergo all year, the fall season offers some great added benefits including the ability to erase the summer sun’s damage and providing optimal conditions for post-treatment care. If you’ve been curious about trying laser treatments, give us a call to set up a complimentary consultation. During your appointment, we’ll perform an assessment and determine the best treatment options to achieve your personal goals. Contact The Aesthetic Center by Medical Associates today at 563-584-3444!